The Challenger Brand Agency
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Everything we do is focused on helping our clients win. It’s that simple.

“5&Vine are amazing marketing strategists. They led marketing for Greenlight during our early days, and it was one of the best decisions we made.”

– Tim Sheehan, Greenlight Founder

“5&Vine led our brand repositioning and accelerated our growth. Their dedication, insights, and creative approach are evident in their process and impact. I would highly recommend them to any startup looking to take their brand to the next level.”

–Izzy Rosenzweig, Founder

“5&Vine looked at our strategy through a new lens. They helped us expand into new revenue streams, new customer segments, and build in processes that were critical to scale.”

– Esther Park, Chief of Staff at Drop Technologies

“5&Vine was instrumental in helping to design and rapidly execute a robust marketing strategy that we’ve used to become the global leader in medical imaging. Results from their work were game-changing.“

– Carlo Perez, Swift Medical Founder

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