Smart home solutions that enable planet-positive actions.
5&Vine founder Rahul Raj was ecobee’s CMO and developed a Challenger Brand strategy that helped transform the company from an unknown B2B brand to the #2 B2C brand, with +30% market share.

ecobee wanted to be the go-to smart thermostat by selling exclusively through HVAC contractors, and sales weren’t surpassing the single digit millions. Opaque pricing resulted in ecobee thermostats being sold for up to $2000, there was no brand awareness, the product was complicated to operate, and the industrial design left a lot to be desired. We had $300k to transform the brand.

To craft a true Challenger Brand strategy, we began with sizing up the incumbents and zeroing in on their vulnerabilities. Nest and Honeywell, while well designed and credible, only measured temperature in one spot, resulting in hot and cold spots. To beat them, we positioned ecobee as the smart thermostat for “Homes with More Than One Room” that delivered comfort in the rooms you were actually in. We completely transformed ecobee from a stale aesthetic and UI that only HVAC professionals could understand into one with a sophisticated design with a friendly interface. To accelerate sales, we went Direct-to-Consumer with e-commerce that offered price transparency, and secured retail listings with Apple, Best Buy, Home Depot and Amazon. We invested in customer advocacy securing a robust base of 5 star reviews, alongside Tier 1 press reviews, that propelled ecobee to the top of the consideration set.
ecobee earned 15x growth in sales, +30% market share, displaced Honeywell as the #2 smart thermostat brand in North America, and helped customers save more than 10.4 TWh of energy.