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Atlas AI

Transforming how billions of dollars are invested for a more sustainable and equitable future for all.


Value PropositionWebsite


Atlas AI is transforming how billions of dollars are invested for a more sustainable and equitable future. The platform brings together world class machine learning talent and deep domain expertise to develop software that allows customers to plan and monitor high stakes investments including infrastructure development initiatives and market expansion programs.

5&Vine was asked to craft a new value proposition to clarify the value and impact they deliver, alongside authoring a new homepage that powerfully reflect this narrative.


We started by determining four priority audiences: Businesses operating in, or supplying products to, emerging markets; development finance institutions and large NGOs; emerging market investors; and academics and researchers.

In doing so, we identified how the core narrative needed to change to resonate with each of them, and helped rewrite and relaunch an improved homepage that offered more clarity about the problems Atlas AI solves.


A newly launched homepage that speaks to organizations across telecommunications, energy, insurance, and more, using Atlas AI to forecast where their consumers will be and how to reach them.

Following our engagement, Atlas AI’s Co-Founder and Stanford University Professor David Lobell was named #11 on the 1,000 most influential climate scientists in the Reuters Hot List, the Rockefeller Foundation further invested in Atlas AI to Accelerate Economic Development and Climate Resilience in Africa, and Atlas AI achieved the Sustainability Partner designation in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program.


Ready to challenge the
status quo and win?

👋 I'm Rahul, Founder and CMO at 5&Vine. Reach out to schedule an intro call about your marketing challenges and let's assess how 5&Vine can help your brand win.

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