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The world’s most advanced clear aligners.


Identify And Resolve Barriers To Adoption.
Invisalign case


Invisalign, a leader in alternative teeth straightening, faced a common perception that it’s primarily suited for adults, leaving traditional braces as the default for kids and teens.

The Invisalign team partnered with 5&Vine and Throughline Strategy to explore opportunities to enhance brand trust, awareness, and conversion within the kids, tweens, and teen market. This involved understanding the crucial role parents play in the decision-making process.

Invisalign social media
Invisalign social media posts


Our strategy aimed to deepen Invisalign’s understanding of the various stages, touchpoints, and channels relevant to non-adult consumers, parents, adults, and prescribing doctors. We supported Throughline in crafting a comprehensive Patient Journey, mapping transactional moments, key decisions, and emotions.

To generate demand and foster the adoption of Invisalign among kids, tweens, and teens, we delved into the intrinsic motivations, concerns, and needs of our target audience. We collaborated with the Throughline team, extracting core insights from primary research methods such as human-centered video interviews, ethnography with teens, parents, adults, and healthcare providers in the US. Fieldwork check-ins allowed us to refine our probes as the research unfolded.

Invisalign social media post
Woman smiling, holding Invisalign
Invisalign social media post that says "Invis is sharing your treatment experience"


Clear insights for Invisalign to help carve out a new audience, winning trust and building awareness with parents as core decision makers for kid, tween, and teen adoption of their braces alternative.


Ready to challenge the
status quo and win?

👋 I'm Rahul, Founder and CMO at 5&Vine. Reach out to schedule an intro call about your marketing challenges and let's assess how 5&Vine can help your brand win.

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